Financing remediated grow op homes in Canada.

We are experts in financing remediated grow op homes in Canada.  As one of the few remaining mortgage brokerages in Canada with a lender relationship and ability to financing these unique homes we have made it an area of focus and expertise.

Many clients purchase these homes as they are able to obtain them at a significant discount to the current value for similar homes.

The Bad News

The challenge that financing these remediated grow op homes in Canada presents is that most lenders, including major banks, trust companies, and credit unions will not offer financing for these types of homes.  This is in spite of the municipalities, governments, and health authorities giving the home a clean bill of health.

The Good News

The good news is that we are experts in financing remediated grow op homes in Canada and have two lenders who will lend on these types of homes for our clients while offering them excellent rates and terms.  The process is very similar to a normal mortgage transaction, with the difference being our lenders will ask us for some additional paperwork at the beginning of the approval process:

  • Phase 1 environmental completion report – it may not be called this in your municipality, essentially it is a report that indicates that the air and water has been tested in the property and that it is now fit for human habitation
  • Copy of re-occupancy permit
  • Copy of title search confirming subject clear title

Please feel free to contact me at my direct line below to discuss your options for your financing remediated grow op homes in Canada.

Rylan Hahn 403-802-7201