I have been reading a tremendous book by Donald Miller titled A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. The underlying premise is for us to look at our lives as a Hollywood movie, basically a story, and then proceed to live a dynamic and exciting one while creating meaningful memories. Aside from the personal reflection, it has caused me to think about and evaluate, how can I as a Calgary mortgage associate play my part in my client’s life stories? Furthermore, how can I play a more significant part in their life on going, and is this something that I even want to do?
My answers is yes!
How have I worked to achieve this? I have made a transition within my business from looking at my past clients and associates as a mailing list or email distribution list to a group of relationships. I am now in the process of reviewing, considered, and contacted these past clients and either strengthening or re-establishing these relationships. I want to be involved with them, their lives, and their families. Is this a somewhat unconventional business approach that does not quite jive with the “you’re fired” Donald Trump way of doing things – yes! None the less, is it a part of my commitment to conduct my business by referral from past clients and trusted business associates.
What does that mean for you?
As a past client, please drop me a line – I would love to touch base and hear how you are doing and also keep you up to date with the current mortgage markets. As a future client, give me a ring – I would love to chat with you and begin our relationship. As a current mortgage associate or sales person – I would also be happy to discuss with you how I have dramatically increased my mortgage associate business by systematically building strong past and current client relationships and how you can as well.
I really like and enjoy meeting with and talking to my past clients and appreciate their trust and referrals. This way of doing business is also good business and has lead to an increase in my personal income along with a deepening of my relationships – basically this is good business. I would be happy to play a part in your life story, please feel free to contact me, as well pick up Donald Miller’s book and let me know what you think.